Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Gold/Silver IRA?

A precious metals IRA works just like your existing retirement account except instead of owning shares of stocks and/or bonds, you will own physical metal that is allocated to your specific account.

Am I eligible to put physical gold and/or silver in my IRA?

Possibly. If you have an IRA or an old 401k from a previous employer, you should be able to do a tax-free, penalty-free rollover. Additionally, if you are over 59 1/2, you may rollover without penalty.

What types of metals can I purchase for my IRA?

This is one of the most important questions we get. 

At Callahan Assets, we specialize in providing our clients with a carefully curated selection of precious metal investment options that focus on bullion bars and or coins (gold and silver). This is because there is a lot of misinformation about proof and numismatic coins, which sadly exposes many customers at other companies to bait and switch tactics.

We traditionally only sell the following:


  • 1 oz gold bar
  • 1/4 oz gold US American Eagle 
  • 1/2 oz gold US American Eagle 
  • 1 oz gold US American Eagle 
  • 10 oz Gold bar
  • 1 kilo Gold bar


  • 1 oz silver bar
  • 1 oz silver round 
  • 1 oz silver US American Eagle
  • 10 oz silver bar

Why doesn't Callahan Assets sell Proof or Numismatic Coins?

We do not offer Proof or Numismatic Coins like many other companies, because we prioritize our clients' best interests and financial goals. While Proof or Numismatic Coins have some historical significance and potential as investments, they come with markups that can range from 30% to 45%. This markup can significantly impact the overall value of the investment and reduce the potential for profit. The goal with a metals portfolio is meant to preserve wealth, not deplete it.

What depository do you use?

We use Delaware Depository as we secure our metals from the east coast and it assists us with keeping costs down, expediting delivery, as well as it being one of the most trusted depositories in the country. There are other options, however, costs and shipping times may be subject to change.

Is my gold safe from any problems with the depository (flood, fraud, etc.)?

Your precious metals are stored fully allocated and off-balance-sheet at the depository. This means your gold and silver remain entirely separate from assets and liabilities of the depository. In the highly unlikely event a depository declares bankruptcy, creditors would have no claim to your metals.

What custodian do you use?

We work with Horizon Trust as they have the best customer service in the entire industry. Read more about them here.

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